Create better User Experience on your website & social media - Grow and Behold Digital - Web design and Shopify Expert

Create better User Experience on your website & social media

Have you ever considered what your website and social media are like to navigate as a brand new visitor? Is the information needed to make an informed decision easy to find? Are there elements of building trust online?⁣⁣

Provide a fluid and enjoyable shopping journey

It's a jungle out there, the world wide web is a wild place to be for a small business. Ensure that the necessary communication in place to ensure new customers have a good experience, and can easily navigate to the checkout. ⁣

When it comes to creating a space for your business on the internet, it can be easy to forget about the experience of the anticipated customer. We focus so much on the design and the branding and the information that we often forget about function. ⁣

If you shop online, you've probably encountered a business that you were curious about, but eventually abandoned because you couldn't find out if they ship to you, or how to get to their website, or whatever bump in the road you hit that convinced you it wasn't worth it. On the internet this is super common, most of our attention spans are very short and really, why waste our time when there's another website two clicks away. ⁣

Creating a smooth and enjoyable experience for your customers on your website is critical to keeping them around long enough to make a purchase or sign up for newsletters etc. ⁣

Lead the way to checkout

Consider what information a customer needs to make a decision to support your business, and is that information easily available? Do they have to dig through footer menus to find your store address? ⁣

A well-branded website is a great way to build trust across all your platforms, as long as the brand doesn't override the function. If your text is unreadable but pretty, it's not going to accomplish anything toward your goal of making sales online. ⁣

Here's a scary question... When's the last time you updated your entire website? Do all of your links still work, and is the information current? Dead ends and incorrect information is the fastest way to lose an online shopper or follower. ⁣

Taking the time every few months to review your website in full, with user experience in the front of your mind, can make the difference between traffic and conversions in your online store. ⁣

Make it an unboxing experience

We often overlook the fact that how your products arrive in the mail also represents your brand and business experience beyond the products themselves. I adore shopping online, and who doesn't love getting a package in the mail, particularly when you open it up to find a delightful unboxing experience!⁣⁣
The user experience doesn't stop after the transaction has been made, and creating a memorable experience can be super important to building long-term relationships with your customers. ⁣⁣
A few local businesses that really warmed my heart when I opened their packages recently were 
Josefina + CoWild Sister Herbs and Under the Willow Tree Creations. All of these online orders came with a personal touch that made me smile!⁣⁣

Whether it's a handwritten note thanking them for their purchase or beautiful on-brand packaging, creating a fun and unique unboxing experience is a great way to cement yourself in your customer's minds, and in their hearts! If you have a sticker or something small to throw in for free it can make a customer's day, but a personal note is just as powerful. ⁣⁣

Help your followers help you

Set them up for success by creating a smooth and effortless experience during their encounter with your online business. ⁣

To create a positive and productive user experience in your social media, we need to focus on what the customer needs to be able to go from social media platforms to make a purchase. ⁣

Most importantly, who are you and what do you do? Using the profile biography space is critical for presenting your business to new followers and potential customers. You should minimally have your business name, what you do and what area you operate in or serve.⁣

If you have a website, link it! If a potential customer has to open a browser to search for your website, they likely won't bother. By creating quick and accessible links you increase the chances that someone will click through to your website to shop.⁣

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