Shopify Summer Editions 2024

Shopify Editions ‘24: What's New and Exciting for Shopify?

Hey Shopi-Friends! We're thrilled to share the latest updates and features coming your way with Shopify Summer Editions ‘24. For those new to the concept, Shopify Editions are bi-yearly updates that Shopify releases in the summer and winter.

These updates are packed with innovative tools and features designed to streamline your operations and enhance your customer engagement. Let's dive into the highlights and see how you can leverage these new features to boost your business.

Go straight to the POS/Retail Updates

9 Updates for your Online Store

1. Custom Markets - Coming Soon 

Adjust products, prices, currencies, and even theme design for each market.

Shopify Editions Summer 2024

A game-changer for those selling internationally. With the upcoming Markets feature, you'll be able to adjust products, prices, currencies, and even theme design for each market. This means more personalized shopping experiences for your customers around the globe. Stay tuned for more details, and prepare to make your international customers feel right at home.

Imagine being able to tailor your store to meet the unique needs and preferences of customers in different countries. With the Markets feature, this becomes a reality. You can ensure that your European customers see prices in euros, your Japanese customers see information in their language, and your American customers get a design that resonates with them. This level of customization can significantly enhance the shopping experience and drive international sales.

2. New Analytics and Reports

Get real-time updates and the ability to create custom reports

Shopify Edition 2024 Shopify Updates

Data-driven decisions are the best decisions. With Shopify's new Analytics, you'll get real-time updates and the ability to create custom reports. These tools will help you track performance, understand trends, and make informed decisions to grow your business.

Imagine having access to detailed insights about your store's performance at your fingertips. With real-time updates, you can monitor sales, track customer behavior, and identify trends as they happen. Custom reports allow you to focus on the metrics that matter most to your business, providing you with the information you need to make strategic decisions. Whether you're a data novice or a seasoned analyst, Shopify's new Analytics tools can help you turn data into action.

3. Deposits at Checkout for B2B

Make it easier for your B2B customers to commit to purchases

For those catering to business clients, the new "Deposit at Checkout" feature is a welcome addition. This will simplify transactions and make it easier for your B2B customers to commit to purchases.

Handling large orders and complex transactions can be challenging, especially when dealing with business clients. The "Deposit at Checkout" feature allows your B2B customers to secure their orders with a deposit, providing them with the flexibility they need to make purchasing decisions. This feature can help you build stronger relationships with your business clients by offering a more convenient and reliable purchasing process.

4. AI Image Editor

Save you time and improve the visual appeal of your store

Shopify Editions Summer 2024

Say goodbye to tedious photo editing! The new AI Image Editor will make it a breeze to create stunning product images. This tool is set to save you time and improve the visual appeal of your store.

High-quality product images are crucial for an online store, but editing photos can be time-consuming and complex. The AI Image Editor leverages artificial intelligence to automate the editing process, allowing you to create professional-looking images with minimal effort. From background removal to color correction, this tool can handle it all, ensuring that your product images are always top-notch. 

5. Split Shipping in Checkout - Coming Soon

Automatically divide orders into multiple shipments when necessary

Ever had a customer abandon their cart because their items couldn't be shipped together? Shopify's got you covered. The new Split Shipping feature will automatically divide orders into multiple shipments when necessary. Whether it's preorders, subscriptions, or products from different locations, your customers will now have the flexibility to choose the best shipping option—lowest price, fastest time, or both!

Split Shipping can be a game-changer for customer satisfaction. By allowing orders to be divided into multiple shipments, you can ensure that customers receive their items as quickly and efficiently as possible. This feature is particularly useful for stores with diverse product ranges, as it accommodates various shipping needs without complicating the checkout process. Your customers will appreciate the flexibility and convenience, leading to more completed purchases and fewer abandoned carts. 

Shopify Editions 2024 Shopify Summer Updates

An order is split into multiple shipments when it includes any the following types of items:


6. Ship to & From Retail Store

Customers can pick up their orders from their preferred retail location.

Logistics just got easier. Now you can move products from one location to another based on customer preferences. This feature is perfect for businesses with multiple retail locations, ensuring that your customers can pick up their orders from their preferred spot.

Managing inventory across multiple locations can be challenging, but the Ship to & From Retail Store feature simplifies the process. Whether you're transferring stock between stores or shipping items directly to customers, this feature provides the flexibility you need to manage your logistics efficiently. By offering customers the option to pick up their orders from their preferred location, you can enhance their shopping experience and improve overall satisfaction.

7. New Taxonomy/Categories on Products

Help your customers find exactly what they need with new category filters

Shopify Editions Summer 2024

By using Shopify's Standard Product Taxonomy and the Search and Discovery App, your products will be easier to search and discover. Improved navigation means happier customers and more sales.

Organizing your products effectively is key to providing a seamless shopping experience. The new taxonomy and category filters allow you to categorize your products more precisely, making it easier for customers to find what they're looking for. Whether you're selling clothing, electronics, or home goods, these filters can help you present your products in a way that makes sense to your customers, leading to increased satisfaction and sales. 

8. Store Credit - Coming Soon

Provide customers with an incentive to return to your store and make additional purchases

Another exciting update is the introduction of store credit. This feature will allow you to offer store credit to your customers, providing them with more flexibility and encouraging repeat purchases.

Store credit can be a powerful tool for customer retention. By offering store credit, you provide customers with an incentive to return to your store and make additional purchases. This feature can be particularly useful for handling returns and exchanges, as it allows you to retain the value of the original purchase within your store. Customers will appreciate the flexibility and convenience, leading to increased loyalty and repeat business.

9. Product Bundles in Draft Orders & Shop

Create compelling offers that encourage customers to buy more

Product bundles are a fantastic way to increase your average order value. Now, you can add these bundles to your draft orders and on Shop. This means more opportunities to offer value-packed deals to your customers.

Bundling products is a proven strategy for increasing sales and providing customers with added value. With the ability to add product bundles to draft orders and Shop, you can create compelling offers that encourage customers to buy more. Whether you're bundling complementary products or offering discounts on bulk purchases, this feature provides you with the flexibility to design promotions that resonate with your customers and boost your bottom line.

4 POS/Retail Updates

1. Digital Receipts/Opt-In Email Lists

Automatically captures their email based on their credit card details

Enhance your customer service with digital receipts and opt-in email lists. Customers will get the option on the POS screen to email their receipt. Plus, it automatically captures their email based on their credit card details. A win-win for both convenience and marketing! 

Shopify Updates Email Marketing

Digital receipts are not only eco-friendly but also convenient for customers. By offering digital receipts, you can streamline the checkout process and reduce paper waste. The opt-in email list feature allows you to capture customer emails effortlessly, providing you with valuable contact information for future marketing efforts. This combination of convenience and marketing potential can help you build stronger relationships with your customers and drive repeat business.

2. Unique Catalogs for Each Retail Store

Flexibility to tailor your offerings to meet the needs of each market.

Customization is key, and now you can unlock custom pricing and publishing for each of your retail markets. This includes regionalized checkout flows and translated product catalogs, making it easier to cater to your diverse customer base.

Each retail location may have unique needs and customer preferences, and the ability to create unique catalogs for each store allows you to cater to these differences. Whether you're adjusting prices based on local competition or offering region-specific promotions, this feature provides you with the flexibility to tailor your offerings to meet the needs of each market. By providing a personalized shopping experience, you can enhance customer satisfaction and drive sales.

3. Reliable Rules for Returns

Streamline your in-store returns with clear rules.

Your staff can quickly determine if a product can be returned, and customers will appreciate the transparency. Simplifying returns means happier customers and smoother operations.

Handling returns can be a complex and time-consuming process, but having clear rules in place can simplify it significantly. By establishing reliable rules for returns, you ensure that both your staff and customers understand the process, reducing confusion and frustration. This transparency can lead to smoother operations and higher customer satisfaction, as customers feel confident in their ability to return products when necessary.

4. Retail Customers Can Buy X Get Y

Entice shoppers with attractive deals

Shopify is rolling out the Buy X Get Y discount codes for retail customers, which is already a highly used feature with Online Sales. This feature can be directly added to your POS smart grid, making it incredibly easy to entice shoppers with attractive deals. Imagine the increase in sales when customers realize they can get a bonus item with their purchase—who wouldn't love that? 

This feature is perfect for seasonal promotions, clearance sales, or simply to reward loyal customers. The flexibility of this discount type allows you to set specific conditions, ensuring that your promotions are as effective and targeted as possible. Whether you're running a small boutique or a chain of retail stores, the Buy X Get Y discount code can be a powerful tool to drive sales and enhance customer satisfaction.

Keep growing with Shopi-Friends

From enticing discount codes to advanced analytics and personalized shopping experiences, Shopify Editions ‘24 is packed with features designed to help you succeed. Whether you're a seasoned Shopify user or just getting started, these updates offer exciting opportunities to enhance your store's performance and delight your customers. Ready to keep learning? Join the Shopi-Friends Email List below.

We're excited to see how you use these tools to grow your business and create memorable shopping experiences for your customers. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, happy selling!

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