Slow down & catch up - Grow and Behold Digital - Web design and Shopify Expert

Slow down & catch up

As summer is winding down we slowly start to find more time in our schedules to do the things that we have been putting off to go to the beach instead. September is a great time for catching up with your business online because it sits comfortably between a busy summer and the impending holiday season (yup I just said holiday season, but the sooner you think about it less stressed you'll actually be during the holidays.)

Before we think holiday strategy though, take the time to review your online space during this month and make a list of small goals to improve it. Check your website, social media profiles, email signature, profile picture, and anything else that just sits stagnant during regular business operations. Does your About Us page need a refresh? Check out the free worksheet linked below if you would like a guided brainstorm session for creating your best About Us page. Take it slow, it might get overwhelming. Start with a review, make a list and then tackle that list one item at a time. 


Better Business Blogs 


Reading a newspaper

Quick tips to update your website

Your website should always be growing and be reflecting your own progress. Have you and your business grown since you last updated your website? Yeah, probably a lot too! You don’t need to feel overwhelmed, with just a few manageable tasks you can brighten up your site and better reflect where you currently are as a growing business.

Create better User Experience on your website & social media 

Have you ever considered what your website and social media are like to navigate as a brand new visitor? Is the information needed to make an informed decision easy to find? Are there elements of building trust online?⁣⁣

Read the full story >

social bites



Batch create your content and save so much time.


It's scary to share your work, art or ideas in the online world.


Feeling lost in your own business? Trust.

View on Instagram


What Animal is your Small  Business? 

Alternate text

"It's a sheep. People always underestimate how smart they are. They are calm and quiet until you scare them and then they won't hesitate to leap through the air and ninja kick"

Lone Sequola Ranch
Lumby, BC


Alternate text

"The Bear ~ relates to the earth and nature, and a good forager"

Wild Sister Herbs
West Kelowna, BC


Alternate text

"A Unicorn 🦄 we focus on the magic of self care but some people don't believe it exists lol"

HeadSpace Babes
Lumby, BC


Alternate text

"A dog! We are super loyal and dedicated to our clients, and not afraid to get dirty"

Poo Worx
Kelowna, BC


Alternate text

"Fox. 🦊 Lithe, resourceful, and personable."

Home Oracles Cards

Neat things for Business Babes



These thin boxes are designed to fit into regular post slots for Canada Post and protect your products! 

Coffee shop

Create your own custom magazine that pull news from the internet based on your interests.


This Instagram post has some suggestions for beauty and clothing brands.

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